Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"All that crap will NEVER fit..."

....Famous last words from Chance.

Every time we take a trip I pride myself in my ability to pack for our small army in as few bags as possible. I'll admit, for our trip to North Carolina I didn't exactly embrace my practical "less is more" packing style. I have multiple excuses prepared; including, but not limited to: the unpredictability of the weather, the unknown events of the week, and how much lounging was allowed.

Here's the only bag I took. I didn't have time to document the packing, but snapped some pics during the unpacking process once we got to the house in North Carolina.

.....and the contents:

That one medium sized suitcase enclosed:

*7 sweaters
*1 sweatshirt
*8 tops
*3 pairs of jeggings
*5 pairs of leggings/yoga pants
*a pair of shorts
*3 scarves and countless underthings
*a pair of over the knee boots (plus a pair of riders I wore in)
*2 pairs of ankle boots
*2 pairs of heels
*2 pairs of flats

I had two dresses hung up so I wont claim them butttt....TOLD YA SO, Chance!! Had I known we would all be so lucky as to live in leggings and oversized shirts for the entire week, I could've crammed everything into my hand bag!

Oh did I mention that chance brought TWO bags and 4 pairs of shoes?

Packing up to head home after a full day of wedding prep and a FANTASTIC celebration didn't quite as smoothly but whatever...(Notice all the hanging clothes still in the closet.)

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