My brother Kyle married the beautiful Caren Anne this past Friday. The older kids had school so Layla was the only one who got to join us in our cross country drive. You may think we're crazy for choosing to drive to North Carolina from Texas but you have to remember that with babies come a LOT of stuff. Flying just wasn't feasible once we factored in the need for a car seat, pack n play, stroller, toys, travel high chair, etc. We left at 5am on Saturday morning and the little one was NOT in the mood. She literally looked me in the eyes and said "NOOOOOO"
After about 12 hours of driving we stopped in Knoxville, TN and spent the night. Layla had an Ali moment and ate pizza in the bed. We know how to party.
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday, starting at 5 am, but once we reached the house Kyle and Caren rented for the week, all stress was forgotten!
Until the wedding post, Adios!