Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This is why we can't have nice things!

Have you ever heard that phrase "Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother falls out!"? (Trumped only by my friend Matt's "he opened his mouth and a purse fell out." But that's another post entirely.)

I've been experiencing this quite a bit here lately. The most recent event happened this morning when I went to brush my teeth and noticed my eyelash curler in the sink. Not too terribly strange, but upon further inspection I realized it's not exactly in the condition I left it in. 

I'm not even going to waste my time asking around to see how it met its untimely death because I'm positive that "no one" has "a clue" as to what happened. 

On Sunday my girls were all playing in my make up, which is fine, until I realized that the shortest one went a little emo on me. 

Would it have been too much to ask her to waste the $7 Voluminous instead of the $30+ Younique? That's what I get for having nice things. SILLY ME. 

Friday afternoon REALLY got the ball rolling. My dear, sweet, wonderful husband ran to the store really quickly to get me a Cherry Coke while I was getting ready to head to the football game. He's so considerate. Sure wish he had considered his surroundings when he put my beautiful, brand new (to me!), suburban into drive and nailed a pole. 

Look, even the dogs are upset. God love him. He was so upset and worried I would be mad. Okay he was right because I was PISSED but I tamped it down. We haven't even made a single payment on it yet! I knew he required a lot of extra love when I got into this deal though. I'll just have to burn his dinners for a few more days to get the hate out of my heart. 



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